The garage management service exclusively for social landlords
We help housing associations and local authorities turn under-used garages into £multi-million community assets.
Since 2008, we’ve refurbished, re-let and managed 15,000 garages.
And raised over £10 million for our clients and their communities.

Garage management wasn’t something that we were particularly good at. We just weren’t set up for it. So we turned to SPS, and really like what they do. We’ve seen revenue increasing month-on-month, and for the year 2020/21, we hit the million pound mark for the first time.
Good for you. Good for the people you serve.
As a social landlord, you’re here to provide housing people need.
But not just that. You want to support healthy, happy communities. Which aren’t blighted by crime or derelict buildings.
But your time, focus and resources are limited.
It’s hard to achieve your goals, we know that. So let’s make things just a little easier.
We’ll take on your problem garages. So you can focus on what you do best.
Rundown garages are bad for you, your tenants and your community.
Attracting crime and anti-social behaviour. Damaging your reputation. And meaning you have to spend too much time dealing with complaints.
What’s more, you’re missing out on revenue.
And your potential garage tenants are missing out on the parking and storage they need.
Want to have a chat about how it works?
Who we are: our core team of 3
We came together because we could see that social landlords had a clear need: community-based, revenue-driving garage management.
Our core team of 3 directors has decades of experience in social housing, property and business.
All supported by a broader team of tenancy managers and local offices. Who make sure all our tenants get hands-on support and quick responses whenever they need help.

Matt Vosper
Operations Manager
Matt has broad business and public sector experience across retail, manufacturing and social housing.
Before joining SPS in 2015, he spent six years at Plymouth Community Homes, where he worked on the development of new-build properties and the installation of the country’s largest solar PV project.

Andrew Milne
Andrew had a long career in construction before co-founding SPS in 2008.
In 1993, he co-founded Spring Grove, which became a leading provider of property maintenance for social housing, partnering with over 40 registered social landlords to deliver significant tenant and community projects.
He also founded the Low Carbon Exchange, the UK’s leading provider of solar energy to registered social landlords.
He also founded the Low Carbon Exchange, the UK’s leading provider of solar energy to registered social landlords.

Tim Woodcock
Tim co-founded SPS with Andrew in 2008.
He started his career as a chartered accountant with Coopers & Lybrand, and went on to work in private equity. He has held board-level positions in multiple public and private companies.
He is also a non-executive director for gastro pub company Jolly Fine Group and Unicorn AIM VCT plc.
SPS has exceeded our expectations. The company has offered stability and consistency while meeting its revenue targets, even on our more challenging sites, and our partnership has seen a substantial increase in income from our garages..
Want to talk to the team about your garages?
We’d love to hear from you.